Salam and greetings,
So I was listening to a sermon during a Friday's prayer few weeks back and I recall wanting to write about it here but well, time's a constraint so too bad. Anyway, here's a statement that is still vivid:
There are 2 standards of being a "religious" person:
1) The more Islamic knowledge you possess, the more "religious" you are.
2) The more spiritual you are, the more "religious" you are.
So, which one are you? Or maybe none fits you? Lol.
Anyway, I put religious in quotation marks because there are many ways to interpret that term. I'm not being sarcastic or pointing fingers to anyone, it's just.. yeah, sila tepuk dada tanya Iman;
Are you alim OR warak?
P/s: The term "alim" is very commonly misinterpreted and thus its usage is well, also wrong most of the time.
Salam alaik.
I agree with u sis. Heh "_"
so many ppl told me to watch this vid, so in the end i did. ceh nak justify jgak. heh. tp mcm ada kaitan ngn apa liana ckp kat sini :)
NuFaS: Hihi ^^
Ktiqah: Thanks for sharing the vid. =)
God bless both of you, always.
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