O' Allah, please make me patient with every trial of Yours~
yaAllah, jadikanlah aku penyabar dan bersabar dengan setiap dugaanMu~
Allah musta'an (to Allah we seek help)
What Is Islam?
Any good points found in this blog comes from Allah SWT, all praise to Him. Any mistakes/inaccurate information in this blog is purely due to myself. Hence, please correct and forgive me.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Share a Quote Series~
Salam alaik to all,
I wish everyone's in the pink of health and always in God's blessings!
Salam alaik to all,
I wish everyone's in the pink of health and always in God's blessings!
The stronger the faith you have within you, the more difficult the trials you will face. But if you see the hidden blessings of the difficult tests, then you will have the potential to increase your wisdom, to increase your faith and to develop and build your personal character. So, be happy when Allah SWT tests you with difficulties as He has given you an opportunity to get closer to him through those trials. Remember, Allah is Most Wise and Most Knowing.
Note: I know it's easier said than done.. to be happy when we are tested with great difficulties.. but it doesn't hurt to just try our best and trust Him ! Leave everything in His hands and believe in Him! Let's HAVE FAITH~!! right? =)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Taking a break~
salam alaik..
Ana tengah sgt2xxxxxxxx tension sekarang sbb assignment ana yang susah tahap dewa.. rasa cam.... je.. aduhai.. yaAllah, tolonglah hambaMu ini.. kepadaMu lah segala kebergantunganku yaAllah..
anyway, sbb tengah stress sgt tu dan macam nak putus harapan, liana bukalah email check inbox..(hehe, biasanya bukak AQ tp tertinggal AQ kat sebelah katil lak..) tgk2 adik laki ana hantar kat kakaknya yg dia tahu sdg stress kepala buntu, a very simple yet clever joke yang telah berjaya melakarkan senyuman di mukaku ini untuk beberapa saat.. hehe.. ><
so, ana terasa nak share ngan semua lah.. =D ok.. kita play *drumroll* dulu and here goes:~
Do you know why carrots are good for your eyes??
It's cause you don't see rabbits wearing specs right??
hahahahahaha.. tergelak x? hmm kalau x, at least tersenyum skjap x? ^_^ kalau lgsung x tergerak, sorry ler, mungkin ana je kot yg lame.. huahua
ok.. itu saja.. afwan bagi kesengalan ana buat seketika ini.. sila excuse kan ana ok.. =)
as for ana's assignment tu, moga Allah membantu~!
Allah musta'an
salam alaik..
Ana tengah sgt2xxxxxxxx tension sekarang sbb assignment ana yang susah tahap dewa.. rasa cam.... je.. aduhai.. yaAllah, tolonglah hambaMu ini.. kepadaMu lah segala kebergantunganku yaAllah..
anyway, sbb tengah stress sgt tu dan macam nak putus harapan, liana bukalah email check inbox..(hehe, biasanya bukak AQ tp tertinggal AQ kat sebelah katil lak..) tgk2 adik laki ana hantar kat kakaknya yg dia tahu sdg stress kepala buntu, a very simple yet clever joke yang telah berjaya melakarkan senyuman di mukaku ini untuk beberapa saat.. hehe.. ><
so, ana terasa nak share ngan semua lah.. =D ok.. kita play *drumroll* dulu and here goes:~
Do you know why carrots are good for your eyes??
It's cause you don't see rabbits wearing specs right??
hahahahahaha.. tergelak x? hmm kalau x, at least tersenyum skjap x? ^_^ kalau lgsung x tergerak, sorry ler, mungkin ana je kot yg lame.. huahua
ok.. itu saja.. afwan bagi kesengalan ana buat seketika ini.. sila excuse kan ana ok.. =)
as for ana's assignment tu, moga Allah membantu~!
Allah musta'an
Monday, March 28, 2011
What is Muttaqqin?~
As salam,
Just in case some may be wondering what Muttaqqin means:
Ibn `Abbas said that Al-Muttaqqin means "Those who fear Allah's punishment, which would result if they abandoned the true guidance that they recognize and know. They also hope in Allah's mercy by believing in what He revealed.''
As salam,
Just in case some may be wondering what Muttaqqin means:
Ibn `Abbas said that Al-Muttaqqin means "Those who fear Allah's punishment, which would result if they abandoned the true guidance that they recognize and know. They also hope in Allah's mercy by believing in what He revealed.''
Forgive others for FORGIVING is part of a MUTAQQIN~
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - in the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dear readers,
When we do wrong against Allah by breaching the Islamic ways of life, we SIN against Him but it's easy for us to seek for forgiveness from Him because He is Most Forgiving God. However, when we sin against each other (human race), we have to face that person we have done wrong to and ask for his/her forgiveness. Many people find it hard to forgive what more forgetting what you've done to hurt them. Still, bear this in mind ikhwah and akhwat (brothers and sisters), a Muslim who is able to forgive someone else's mistakes, is one with the features of a Mutaqqin (Muslim yang bertaqwa).
Let's do act of kindness to people instead of being mean or manipulative. Why make life such a drag and complicated when it can be so simple and sweet? =)
(4:36) "... and do good - to parents, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the Companion by your side... for Allah does not love the arrogant, the vainglorious; - "
Dear Allah, please protect our family members so that we are protected from Your Punishment. (yaAllah, lindungilah keluarga kami agar kami terpelihara dari azab seksaanMu.)
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dear readers,
When we do wrong against Allah by breaching the Islamic ways of life, we SIN against Him but it's easy for us to seek for forgiveness from Him because He is Most Forgiving God. However, when we sin against each other (human race), we have to face that person we have done wrong to and ask for his/her forgiveness. Many people find it hard to forgive what more forgetting what you've done to hurt them. Still, bear this in mind ikhwah and akhwat (brothers and sisters), a Muslim who is able to forgive someone else's mistakes, is one with the features of a Mutaqqin (Muslim yang bertaqwa).
Let's do act of kindness to people instead of being mean or manipulative. Why make life such a drag and complicated when it can be so simple and sweet? =)
(4:36) "... and do good - to parents, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the Companion by your side... for Allah does not love the arrogant, the vainglorious; - "
Dear Allah, please protect our family members so that we are protected from Your Punishment. (yaAllah, lindungilah keluarga kami agar kami terpelihara dari azab seksaanMu.)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Jangan terkejar KESEMPURNAAN dalam BERCINTA~
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - in the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,
Sekadar ingin berkongsi artikel yang dijumpai di blog akhwat lain. Moga dapat belajar satu dua perkara dari coretan berikut -->
"Begitu hidup ini tiada yang abadi yang patah Kan tumbuh yang hilang Kan berganti, namun yang berganti tidak mungkin sama seperti yang telah pergi..."
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,
Sekadar ingin berkongsi artikel yang dijumpai di blog akhwat lain. Moga dapat belajar satu dua perkara dari coretan berikut -->
Jika kamu memancing ikan . . .
setelah ikan itu terlekat di mata kail . . .
hendaklah kamu mengambil ikan itu. . .
jangan sesekali kamu LEPASKAN semula kedalam air begitu sahaja . . .
kerana ia akan SAKIT kerana bisanya . . .
ketajaman mata kail kamu & ia mungkin akan MENDERITA selagi ia masih hidup . . .
Begitulah juga . . .
Setelah kamu memberi banyak PENGHARAPAN kepada seseorang . . .
setelah dia mula MENYAYANGI kamu . . .
hendaklah kamu MENJAGA hatinya . . .
janganlah sesekali kamu terus MENINGGALAKNYA begitu sahaja . . .
kerana dia akan TERLUKA oleh kenangan bersamamu . . .
dan mungkin TIDAK dapat MELUPAKAN segalanya selagi dia masih mengingatimu . . .
Jika kamu MENADAH air biarlah berpada . . .
jangan terlalu berharap pada takungannya dan menggangap ia begitu teguh. . .
cukuplah sekadar untuk KEPERLUANMU sahaja. . .
kerana apabila ia mula retak. . .
tidak sukar untuk menampal dan memperbaikinya semula. . .
dan bukannya terus dibuang begitu sahaja. . .
begitulah juga. . .
Jika kamu sedang memiliki seseorang. . .
TERIMALAH dia seadanya. . .
janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan menggangapkan dia begitu istimewa. . .
anggaplah dia manusia biasa. . .
kerana apabila dia melakukan KESILAPAN. . .
tidaklah sukar untuk MEMAAFKAN dan MEMBOLEHKAN
hubungan kamu akan TERUS ke akhir hayat
dia begitu sahaja kerana kamu merasa terlalu kecewadengan sikapnya. . .
lalu semuanya akan TERHENTI begitu sahaja. . .
Jika kamu MEMILIKI sepinggan nasi. . .
yang kamu pasti baik untuk diri kamu. . .
mengapa kamu perlu berlengah lagi?
cuba mencari makanan yang lain? . .
kerana terlalu ingin mengejar kelazatan. . .
kelak, nasi itu akan BASI sendiri dan kamu tidak boleh menikmatinya lagi. . .
kamu akan menyesal. . .
Begitulah juga. . . .
Jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang INSAN. . .
yang kamu pasti boleh membawa KEBAIKAN kepada dirimu. . .
mengapa kamu berlengah lagi?
cuba membandingkannya dengan yang lain. . .
terlalu mengejar KESEMPURNAAN. . .
kelak, dia akan BERJAUH HATI dan kamu akan KEHILANGANNYA apabila dia menjadi milik orang lain. . . kamu juga yang akan MENYESAL dan tidak ada gunanya lagi. . .
Oleh itu janganlah kita terlalu mengejarkan KESEMPURNAAN kerana ia bukanlah faktor utama KEBAHAGIAAN. Sedangkan jika kita boleh memaafkan KESILAPAN orang yang kita sayang dan akur dengan KELEMAHANNYA sebagai manusia biasa serta BERSYUKUR dengan apa yang kita sudah MILIKI InsyaAllah kita akan BAHAGIA, BAHAGIA, dan terus BAHAGIA. . itu lebih BERMAKNA!
"Begitu hidup ini tiada yang abadi yang patah Kan tumbuh yang hilang Kan berganti, namun yang berganti tidak mungkin sama seperti yang telah pergi..."
Just a side note to add: Please bear in mind that if you want His blessings in your love life, let it be only when you're married to someone (as we all know that dating is not recognised in Islam). Apply this to your marriage life for an ever lasting marriage both here on Earth and Hereafter. Bersyukurlah (be thankful) to Allah for whomever He has given unto you as He knows best what's good and what's not for you. Panjatkanlah sykur kepada illahi dgn jodoh yang ditetapkanNya untukmu. Moga2 Allah merahmati segalanya.
p/s: Sorry for posting writings on this topic. It's not ana's intention but somehow, these topics are popular on other blog sites that ana happen to come across. This has nothing to do with ana's personal life. Please don't judge and you know what, even if you do, ana don't really care actually. What's most important to ana is Allah's thoughts and views on ana. peace~ ^_^v
Aku Menyesal Kahwin...~
Sekadar ingin berkongsi cerita...
Sekadar ingin berkongsi cerita...
Aku Menyesal Kahwin...
Ini cerita aku.. Aku (bukan nama sebenar) baru je kawin, ngan pilihan mak aku. Aku tak penah kenal pon dia (bukan nama sebenar gak). Tapi mak punye pasal kan, aku terpaksa follow je la. Arghh, nyesal giler kawin..
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, ikut suka aku je nak tido kol brape, nak bangun kol brape. Pastu kadang2 sampai tengah hari tido, sampai terlepas kuliah.. haha. Tade orang marah pon. Lecturer pon tak marah.
Tapi skarang, nak tido lewat sikit je ade orang sound. "Jom la bang tido...". Pastu kalau tak bangun Subuh memang kena cubit peha la aku ni. Kesian kena buli..
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, ikut suka aku je nak makan kol brape, nak makan ape. Boleh makan best2, sebab beli kat kedai.. Tapi skarang, huhu.. Macam budak kecik je, kena ikut jadual makan! Dah la kadang2 dia masak masin la, pahit la.. Pastu kadang2 dia bagi aku makan sayor je bebanyak. Tak makan kang kecik hati lak, pastu tulis kat status facebook dia. Arghh, nyesal giler kawin..
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, ikut suka aku je nak shopping bile, kat mane, nak beli ape.. Kira berbelanja tanpa waswas la. Tu yang shopping kejap je melayang 2 3 ratos skelip mata. Hohoho.. Tapi skarang, nak pegi shopping je, dia dah siap2 ngan list barang nak beli. Tade dalam list, tak leh amik!! Dah la berejam-jam pusing.. Leceh tol la orang pompuan nih. Muka dia takyah citer la, memang ceria je kalau masok shopping mall. Aku je yang muka tensen. Arghh, nyesal giler kawin...
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, rambut aku ni macam2 pesen la bleh buat.. Ala Korea bleh, ala Carles Puyol (Kapten Barcelona) pon bleh buat, tade orang sound. Tapi skarang, panjang sket je kene sound.. panjang sket je kene sound.. Dia kata x hensem la, x kemas la.. Tak potong kang dia tanak ironkan baju aku lak. Haisshh.
Ade satu hari tu, masa makan kat JUSCO, ade la sorang awek comel melintas depan kitorang. Aku pon terpandang awek tu tanpa niat (ikutkan tak berdosa la kan?..) ADEH!! Terus kena cubit peha aku dari bawah meja. Cemburu buta lak bini aku (mentang-mentang la aku hensem..). Ape lagi, menjerit la aku kat situ.
Maunye tak kuat, satu foodcourt tengok kitorang, termasuk awek tadi.. Arghh first time kot rasa malu giler camtu. Rasanye muka aku lagi merah dari sos cili atas meja. Sakit wooo bini aku cubit. Huhu.. Kesian la kat bakal anak-anak kami nanti. Haha..
Tapi yang bestnya, skarang aku dah xyah basuh baju, iron baju sendiri.. Sume dah ready made. Hehe. Bab-bab iron baju ni memang aku x berapa sket. Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, skali iron baju, sebulan aku pakai. Haha. Malas basuh sebab tanak iron lagi! (Oppss kantoi..). Pastu baju2 bergelimpangan atas katil. Aku memang suka tido atas kain baju ni (padahal malas kemas). Skarang... hehehe.
Lagi yang best, time aku demam ke, x sihat ke, rasa diri ni cam dihargai je.. Yela, kira ade orang take care la. Totalcare!! Hehehe.. Kalau masa belom kawin dulu pepandai la bawak diri kalau demam. Huhu, sadis3..
Pastu kan, skarang kehidupan aku kira tersusun la.. Maklum la dah ade 'PA'.. Kalau banding ngan dulu, hmm.. x produktif sangat la kehidupan aku. Sekali-sekali dia kejut aku bangun solat malam, kadang-kadang dia tegur kalau aku lama tak baca Quran.. Hmm sejuk hatiku. Maklum le kita ni bukan malaikat, iman turun naik. Jadi kena ade yang tolong ingatkan. Ini la pentingnya cari isteri yang solehah!
Buat isteriku yang comel dan tercinta
Terima kasih kerana marah kalau abang tido lambat
Boleh la abang bangun awal-awal pagi
Then kita solat Subuh sama-sama..
Tapi kalu abang tak bangun gak,
ayang cubit je pehe abang
abang xkan murka..
Lagi abang sayang ade la..
Buat isteriku yang comel dan tercinta
Terima kasih kerana jaga makan minum abang
Tengok skarang abang da nak gemok da
Takde la kurus je macam mula2 kawin dulu..
Ke memang nak abang jadi gemuk ni?
Ayang takut orang lain berkenan kat abang ek?
Jangan bimbang atau ragu okeh,
Cintaku hanya eksklusif untukmu sayang..
Buat isteriku yang comel dan tercinta
Terima kasih kerana tolong iron baju abang
Sebab abang memang allergic sket bab iron2 baju
Jangan risau la nanti abang potong rambut..
Skarang abang dah tak selekeh macam dulu
Rambut da kemas, baju da kemas, senyum memanjang
Hidup terurus, amal pon terjaga, badan pon berisi juge
Argghh, nyesal giler kawin LAMBAT!!!
p/s : kena kumpul duit cpt2 nie..hehehehe..sedut sini..
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, ikut suka aku je nak tido kol brape, nak bangun kol brape. Pastu kadang2 sampai tengah hari tido, sampai terlepas kuliah.. haha. Tade orang marah pon. Lecturer pon tak marah.
Tapi skarang, nak tido lewat sikit je ade orang sound. "Jom la bang tido...". Pastu kalau tak bangun Subuh memang kena cubit peha la aku ni. Kesian kena buli..
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, ikut suka aku je nak makan kol brape, nak makan ape. Boleh makan best2, sebab beli kat kedai.. Tapi skarang, huhu.. Macam budak kecik je, kena ikut jadual makan! Dah la kadang2 dia masak masin la, pahit la.. Pastu kadang2 dia bagi aku makan sayor je bebanyak. Tak makan kang kecik hati lak, pastu tulis kat status facebook dia. Arghh, nyesal giler kawin..
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, ikut suka aku je nak shopping bile, kat mane, nak beli ape.. Kira berbelanja tanpa waswas la. Tu yang shopping kejap je melayang 2 3 ratos skelip mata. Hohoho.. Tapi skarang, nak pegi shopping je, dia dah siap2 ngan list barang nak beli. Tade dalam list, tak leh amik!! Dah la berejam-jam pusing.. Leceh tol la orang pompuan nih. Muka dia takyah citer la, memang ceria je kalau masok shopping mall. Aku je yang muka tensen. Arghh, nyesal giler kawin...
Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, rambut aku ni macam2 pesen la bleh buat.. Ala Korea bleh, ala Carles Puyol (Kapten Barcelona) pon bleh buat, tade orang sound. Tapi skarang, panjang sket je kene sound.. panjang sket je kene sound.. Dia kata x hensem la, x kemas la.. Tak potong kang dia tanak ironkan baju aku lak. Haisshh.
Ade satu hari tu, masa makan kat JUSCO, ade la sorang awek comel melintas depan kitorang. Aku pon terpandang awek tu tanpa niat (ikutkan tak berdosa la kan?..) ADEH!! Terus kena cubit peha aku dari bawah meja. Cemburu buta lak bini aku (mentang-mentang la aku hensem..). Ape lagi, menjerit la aku kat situ.
Maunye tak kuat, satu foodcourt tengok kitorang, termasuk awek tadi.. Arghh first time kot rasa malu giler camtu. Rasanye muka aku lagi merah dari sos cili atas meja. Sakit wooo bini aku cubit. Huhu.. Kesian la kat bakal anak-anak kami nanti. Haha..
Tapi yang bestnya, skarang aku dah xyah basuh baju, iron baju sendiri.. Sume dah ready made. Hehe. Bab-bab iron baju ni memang aku x berapa sket. Kalau dulu masa belom kawin, skali iron baju, sebulan aku pakai. Haha. Malas basuh sebab tanak iron lagi! (Oppss kantoi..). Pastu baju2 bergelimpangan atas katil. Aku memang suka tido atas kain baju ni (padahal malas kemas). Skarang... hehehe.
Lagi yang best, time aku demam ke, x sihat ke, rasa diri ni cam dihargai je.. Yela, kira ade orang take care la. Totalcare!! Hehehe.. Kalau masa belom kawin dulu pepandai la bawak diri kalau demam. Huhu, sadis3..
Pastu kan, skarang kehidupan aku kira tersusun la.. Maklum la dah ade 'PA'.. Kalau banding ngan dulu, hmm.. x produktif sangat la kehidupan aku. Sekali-sekali dia kejut aku bangun solat malam, kadang-kadang dia tegur kalau aku lama tak baca Quran.. Hmm sejuk hatiku. Maklum le kita ni bukan malaikat, iman turun naik. Jadi kena ade yang tolong ingatkan. Ini la pentingnya cari isteri yang solehah!
Buat isteriku yang comel dan tercinta
Terima kasih kerana marah kalau abang tido lambat
Boleh la abang bangun awal-awal pagi
Then kita solat Subuh sama-sama..
Tapi kalu abang tak bangun gak,
ayang cubit je pehe abang
abang xkan murka..
Lagi abang sayang ade la..
Buat isteriku yang comel dan tercinta
Terima kasih kerana jaga makan minum abang
Tengok skarang abang da nak gemok da
Takde la kurus je macam mula2 kawin dulu..
Ke memang nak abang jadi gemuk ni?
Ayang takut orang lain berkenan kat abang ek?
Jangan bimbang atau ragu okeh,
Cintaku hanya eksklusif untukmu sayang..
Buat isteriku yang comel dan tercinta
Terima kasih kerana tolong iron baju abang
Sebab abang memang allergic sket bab iron2 baju
Jangan risau la nanti abang potong rambut..
Skarang abang dah tak selekeh macam dulu
Rambut da kemas, baju da kemas, senyum memanjang
Hidup terurus, amal pon terjaga, badan pon berisi juge
Argghh, nyesal giler kawin LAMBAT!!!
p/s : kena kumpul duit cpt2 nie..hehehehe..sedut sini..
We ask & the AQ answers 'em all~~
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - In the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dear readers,
First off, ana would like to express ana's utmost gratitude and shukran (thank you) for sparing your precious time dropping by ana's average blog. Al yaum (today), ana would like to share how the AQ has all the answers to all our questions. Here are a fraction of examples à
We ask: Why am I being tested?
The AQ answers: (29:2-3) Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested? We tested those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false.
We ask: Why am I not getting what I crave for?
The AQ answers: (2:216) But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not.
We ask: Why is this test so difficult?
The AQ answers: (2:286) On no soul Allah places a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns.
We ask: Why the frustration that we feel?
The AQ answers: (3:139) So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: for you must gain mastery if you are true in Faith. (it's easier to understand the malay translation: Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang2 yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu antara yang beriman.)
We ask: How should I face all this?
The AQ answers: (2:45-46) Nay, seek Allah's help with patience, perseverance and in prayer: it is indeed hard, except for those who are so engrossed (khusyuk), who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they are to return to Him.
We ask: What do I get from all this?
The AQ answers: (9:111) Allah has purchased of the Believers their persons and their goods and in return is the Garden (Jannah - Paradise).
We ask: To whom do I hope on?
The AQ answers: (9:129) Allah is sufficient for me: there is no God but He: on Him is my trust (tawakkal), - He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!
We say: I can't stand this anymore!
The AQ answers: (12:12) ...dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir.
We ask: Till when am I going to suffer like this?
The AQ answers: (94:5-8) So, verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Thereforee, when you are free(from your immediate task), still labor hard, and to your Lord turn (all) your attention!
We ask: Why is my heart not at peace/ease?
The AQ answers: (13:28) Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find satisfaction and peace.
So, let's stop questioning and instead work towards righteousness "for those who believe and work righteousness is blessed and and a beautiful place of (final) return." (13:29)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Solat (pray) at SEVEN~! Yes, just as how Rasulullah asked us~!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. to all,
I read an article written by a Malaysian Muslim Celebrity, kak Wardina Safiyyah on how she taught her daughter the importance of performing the 5 mandatory daily prayers (solat). MasyaAllah, I am so impressed with her strong will, perseverance, determination and discipline! I am so touched and can't describe how happy I am for her. One day, one fine day, if I am blessed by Allah to become a mum, may Allah enable me to be as strong and as good as kak Wardina in raising my children the right way. Praise be to Allah for Muslims of her likes! alhamdulillahi lathee bini-matihi tatimmus saalihaat.
Click here to read her story. Shukran jazilan for sharing your joy and your story with us kak Wardina~! =')
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Open your eyes y'all, this is a wake up call~!!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Share a video. I think it's very well done. Let's watch and learn, become aware and don't continue our ignorant ways of life. Acknowledge Him~!
Open your eyes y’all
This is a wake up call !
For those ignorant people of the world
This is a wake up call !
For those ignorant people of the world
Another tragedy headlining the news today
People fighting each other to get ahead
People fighting each other to get ahead
show off (Diam lah!)
People playing politics to misleading the people (Shut up!)
(Oh please loh!)
(Oh please loh!)
Celebrities making up gossips for fame (Oh come on!)
Everyone thinking they deserve to be special
Lustful thoughts out to get you at every turn
Keep showing off your material wealth
So what else do you wanna prove here?
Everyone thinking they deserve to be special
Lustful thoughts out to get you at every turn
Keep showing off your material wealth
So what else do you wanna prove here?
You keep asking for more in life
But do not know when to stop
You said you can face all the hardship
Easy come easy go
You think mankind can overcome nature
No trouble is too much trouble
But when the boogeyman comes knocking
Times up and there will be nowhere else to hide
But do not know when to stop
You said you can face all the hardship
Easy come easy go
You think mankind can overcome nature
No trouble is too much trouble
But when the boogeyman comes knocking
Times up and there will be nowhere else to hide
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
When you’re trying hard
to be king of the world
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
Can’t you see that we’re only hurting this world?
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
Can’t you see that we’re only hurting this world?
Our path leading to a dead end we cannot escape
Our destiny written long before we set foot on earth
Karma awaits and time to face the music
One by one we suffer the same fate
You can only cry out loud
Staring at the lifeless body of your love ones
All your materialistic belongings
Turning into waste when disaster come claiming
Our destiny written long before we set foot on earth
Karma awaits and time to face the music
One by one we suffer the same fate
You can only cry out loud
Staring at the lifeless body of your love ones
All your materialistic belongings
Turning into waste when disaster come claiming
We wait for our sentence on judgment day
The door at hell’s gate soon opens
Will the world finally ends tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
In the blink of an eye
The clock could turn back a million years
Happiness no longer exist in what we used to call home
The door at hell’s gate soon opens
Will the world finally ends tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
In the blink of an eye
The clock could turn back a million years
Happiness no longer exist in what we used to call home
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
When you’re trying hard
to be king of the world
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
Can’t you see that we’re only hurting this world?
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
Can’t you see that we’re only hurting this world?
Can I catch my breath Before I say ‘i love you’
Can we kiss again under the poison rainfall?
Can I hold you tight Until tomorrow?
Or tomorrow …There’ll never be tomorrow …
Can we kiss again under the poison rainfall?
Can I hold you tight Until tomorrow?
Or tomorrow …There’ll never be tomorrow …
So what have we learned from the misfortunes of others?!!
Or it’s good entertainment cos it’s not in your backyard
So continue living your own irresponsible and ignorant life
Feed your guilty conscience by abusing your God’s forgiveness
Between heaven and earth lies a lost species
Thinking that this can last forever but they’re wrong
Or it’s good entertainment cos it’s not in your backyard
So continue living your own irresponsible and ignorant life
Feed your guilty conscience by abusing your God’s forgiveness
Between heaven and earth lies a lost species
Thinking that this can last forever but they’re wrong
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
When you’re trying hard
to be king of the world
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
Can’t you see that we’re only hurting this world?!
We’re nothing at all We’ve got nothing at all
Can’t you see that we’re only hurting this world?!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Is there a heaven in Islam and how do you get there?
Salam alaik.
I was browsing the net and suddenly came across this. I'm awed by the way the person answered this question in such detail and in a very promising and convincing manner too! Mabruk to our fellow brother. I enjoyed reading his simple yet fulfilling respond. Hence, I would like to share this with everyone else, Muslim or non-Muslims.. =)
Question: Is there a heaven in Islam and how do you get there?

click here for original.
Salam alaik.
I was browsing the net and suddenly came across this. I'm awed by the way the person answered this question in such detail and in a very promising and convincing manner too! Mabruk to our fellow brother. I enjoyed reading his simple yet fulfilling respond. Hence, I would like to share this with everyone else, Muslim or non-Muslims.. =)
Question: Is there a heaven in Islam and how do you get there?

Yes there is heaven. they're huge and beautiful. to get there the first thing you have to do is to learn what god(Allah) wants you to learn in this life. And that is how to be sincere to Him. Don't say there is another god besides him or that he has offsprings. Don't say something that you do not know. Imagine. God gave us life and knowledge. Why did he not place us straight in heaven? because here we learn things we do not learn in heaven. Sincerity, sadness and loss. Here we find god. Learn the bible, the quran and whatever religious book u can find. Know that you'll find no mistakes in the quran. no false statement. no two sentences that says two different facts about the same matter. Find Him and never let go. Then learn His rules. And follow them. Then hold on tight to all that you've learn. Don't lose them. Then you will go to heaven, Insyaallah(with God's will)
Also continue praying to Allah (SWT) that you want to go to heaven. Allah (SWT) loves our prayers and will take them into consideration. Inshalla (with Allah (SWT)'s will) we shall all go to Paradise.
Also continue praying to Allah (SWT) that you want to go to heaven. Allah (SWT) loves our prayers and will take them into consideration. Inshalla (with Allah (SWT)'s will) we shall all go to Paradise.
Monday, March 21, 2011
AQ Verse~
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
Quote: A good life is the fruit of faith and righteous deeds.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
Quote: A good life is the fruit of faith and righteous deeds.
Blessings from Allah are a reward for faith and piety, but if there is no faith or piety, or only a little thereof, the blessing will be reduced or even non-existent.
And Allah says (berfirman):
(16:97) : Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he/she is a true believer, verily, to him, We will give a good life (in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision), and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Jannah (Paradise) in the Hereafter)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge~
YaAllah, I'm overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge about Islam. Astaghfirullah.. and sometimes, when I come to learn new things and gain new informations, I actually tend to forget after a while if I don't actually think about it everyday. It's so saddening. Astagha.. Why can't I just remember everything that I hear, read, see, and have done before?
YaAllah, I'm overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge about Islam. Astaghfirullah.. and sometimes, when I come to learn new things and gain new informations, I actually tend to forget after a while if I don't actually think about it everyday. It's so saddening. Astagha.. Why can't I just remember everything that I hear, read, see, and have done before?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Can we celebrate birthdays?~
Salam alaik to all,
I'm just wondering, is it wrong or it's discouraged for Muslims to celebrate birthdays? In the eyes of Islam, is it alright or it is not wise to do so? Hmm..
Shukran in advance for any answers.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Am I having a misleading thinking? (am I sesat?)
Assalamualaikum to all,
As everyone is aware of the tragedies that befall Japan now; something struck me suddenly! I was thinking about who's worst off --- the survivors or the dead? If you were to ask me to choose, I'd be able to answer very easily: I'd definitely, without a doubt, choose to be amongst the dead. Well, this is because, the dead only suffers at that "spur of the moment" or in other words, just for a short time. As for the survivors, they have to go through SO SO SO MUCH MORE TO THE STAGE THAT IT IS OVERWHELMINGLY SCARY & UNFATHOMABLE~!! These survivors lose their family members, friends, houses, and basically everything~!! And now with the nuclear plant damage with the leakage and all, they are all exposed to the radiation that will highly cause cancer to so many victims! Not just cancer, there are so many other negative side effects when one is exposed to the radiation.
However, if I think about this from the perspective of Islam, it seems like I shouldn't choose to be amongst the dead but to be one of the survivors as all this crazy pain that I mentioned earlier would be the tests by Him~! and that I didn't actually lose everything because I always still have Him and my faith. Hmmm...
Also, I just want to know, is it wrong to want to die and leave the world? Is it wrong to have these sort of thoughts? Hmm..
p/s: please excuse me if this post seems to be more of a babble-like scribbling than a post.
Assalamualaikum to all,
As everyone is aware of the tragedies that befall Japan now; something struck me suddenly! I was thinking about who's worst off --- the survivors or the dead? If you were to ask me to choose, I'd be able to answer very easily: I'd definitely, without a doubt, choose to be amongst the dead. Well, this is because, the dead only suffers at that "spur of the moment" or in other words, just for a short time. As for the survivors, they have to go through SO SO SO MUCH MORE TO THE STAGE THAT IT IS OVERWHELMINGLY SCARY & UNFATHOMABLE~!! These survivors lose their family members, friends, houses, and basically everything~!! And now with the nuclear plant damage with the leakage and all, they are all exposed to the radiation that will highly cause cancer to so many victims! Not just cancer, there are so many other negative side effects when one is exposed to the radiation.
However, if I think about this from the perspective of Islam, it seems like I shouldn't choose to be amongst the dead but to be one of the survivors as all this crazy pain that I mentioned earlier would be the tests by Him~! and that I didn't actually lose everything because I always still have Him and my faith. Hmmm...
Also, I just want to know, is it wrong to want to die and leave the world? Is it wrong to have these sort of thoughts? Hmm..
p/s: please excuse me if this post seems to be more of a babble-like scribbling than a post.
Contribute towards Japan's Relief~
Bisimillahirrahmanirrahim - In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
Let's seize this opportunity to give a fraction of what we have for those who are in much more in need of it than us! As The Lord says:
2:261 - the parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of corn: it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase (rewards/pahala) to whom He pleases: and Allah cares for all and He knows all things.
2:274 - Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
Since we know what's right, what else are we waiting for? SEIZE THIS MOMENT~!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
Al yaum (today), ana would like to urge all ikhwah2 (brothers) and akhwat2 (sisters) to contribute du'a (prayers) for those in Japan, not just pray for our brothers and sisters, but also for the non-Muslims. Remember, Allah says (berfirman) to us Muslims to be good to all mankind without discrimination~! We have to be thoughtful especially to those who are in great need; in this case, the people in Japan. YaAllah, do you see how unfortunate they are? Bodies washed up on shores until the officials have a hard time to deal with the corpses and there are millions of homeless people, the hospitals are overwhelmed with injured victims and they're running out of medicine supplies. Some people are stranded without food, water, heat and shelter for days! Astaghfirullahaladzim. Pity them. And the death toll has reached 10,000. ='(
Friday, March 11, 2011
Someone's Reversion to Islam~! SubhanAllah~!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim - In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Ana want to share a story of someone reverting into Islam that ana came across while blog walking. Here's his post (please note those in [...] are ana's annotations.)
"Assalamu Alaikum,
Today's post is about my conversion to Islam, together with a brief history of my life to add a bit more to the post.
I was born into this Dunya in 1977 into a Christian family .. Well a family that lasted all of 4 months. My parents divorced, my dad didn't want me and my mother couldn't cope with looking after me.
So, my grandparents, also christian, (from my mum's side. They adopted her when she herself was a baby) took me in a raised me .. until the age of 3 when my grandfather passed away and my grandmother was deemed not well enough to look after me.
So, for 3 years I went from one foster home to another, until the age of 6 years old. My dad wanted me back. So, I went to live with my dad, his 2 kids from his new family and his new wife. However, the step-mum didn't like me, the kids (5 and 8) felt I was a threat and it just went downhill. I ended up as a punch bag for my father whenever he had a bad day at work. I also remember (we lived near the seaside) that my dad would take me to a shop and let me choose a bamboo stick with the fishing net at the end. They were really colourful and I always chose blue. Not that I got to use them ... my dad did .. on me .. when we got home he'd remove the fishing net, and then use the bamboo stick on me.
I think my teacher at school knew I was being abused, as she gave me the bible to read with a lovely message (that she'd wrote) at the front.
That was when I started reading the bible.
During the age of 7 years old, my father dropped me off at a children's home and said he'd pop by now and then to see me. I wasn't sure what was going on, but 2 things came of it. I never saw my father again and I never got beat again.
The next 10 years of my life I spent in this children's home. And I have to say it was quite cool having loads of "Aunt's" looking after me. However, there were a few times when I was still young when I would get beat (in a sense) by some of the staff. I didn't understand at first, it was only when I was in my teens and witnessed it happen to the then youngsters. Some staff members would provoke the children (who were from broken homes, or had ADD), and then spend the next hour restraining them. Yeah, some youngsters needed to be restrained but being there a few years I learnt that some staff would come into work with a chip on their shoulders and target children. There wasn't much that I could do until when I was about 14/15 and thankfully it stopped and for the last few years in the children's home I was like a big brother to all the children at the home and the staff had a lot of respect for me.
All throughout this time I continued to read the Bible [same here], and as I got older I became to understand it better and better .. but, I just didn't feel a connection to it [exactly how ana felt. somehow, ana didn't feel any spiritual connection to God]. I believed in God, but the Bible just ... did not feel right .. there was something missing [ana thought so too]. So, around 15/16 I stopped reading the Bible[ana never stopped. haha..just continued on and on], but I "knew" there was a God, and that we were all created for a purpose, but I believed that it would come to me as I was older... the answer .. that all I needed to do was "wait".
At the age of 17 years old I took social services to Court. Nothing bad, I just wanted my own Independence and sought to be released as their responsibility. At around the same time my grandmother died. At the same time my mother came back on the scene. My grandmother had let her inheritance to me, but my mum wanted it. I didn't want to fight her, so I allowed he to take want she wanted, she disappeared again, and I still had enough to be able to set up renting a place with nice furniture.
Despite my grades at school not being too good, I ended up in an accountancy firm. One of the Partners took me in as a filing clerk, and I've never left, working my way up.
Anyway, throughout my 20's .. I did exactly what I mentioned above .. I waited .. for the true message from God. But, I did it .. literally .. I kept to myself, got home from work every night and sat in front of the TV... waiting for the message of God to land on my lap. I did that for 8 years.
By the time I was approaching 30 I realised my life was passing before my eyes and that I should go out there and FIND THE TRUTH.
At around the age of 25, a Muslim woman joined the firm. This was my first encounter with a Muslim. I was curious as to why she wore something on her head, but never approached her. It was only when I was 28 and she moved into my team (I was her Supervisor), that we got talking ... about Islam and The Prophet (saw). She lent me some books, but they were more about the spiritual side of Islam and although very nice and comforting, they were out of my league and I didn't really understand. So, I left it. But it kept niggling at the back of my mind. So, one day when we were talking I asked her more about her religion and she talked, with a lot of passion, about Muhammed (saw), and I realised that I was already living my life trying to strive for those values that he himself had lived. So, she gave me a book about his life and Sunnah.
AND BAM! The connection hit me so hard. I cried so hard, this man, who I had never met, was my inspiration. I had spent my entire life dealing with people with evil in their hearts that I'd given up on people, just wanting to keep to myself.
The more I read about The Prophet (saw) the connection got stronger and stronger.
I was given a Quran too but I couldn't read it, and it just ended up on my mantelpiece. However, I met the Sister's 5 brothers and they talked about Islam with me and gave me a translated Quran.
At the age of 30, in February 2008, along with 3 of these brothers, I attended a Mosque and took my Shahadah.
I haven't looked back since, Alhamdullilah Islam is a religion of Peace, and love and mercy [this is how ana feels about Islam too]. I try to take on as many SUnnah's as I can, and Insha'Allah I strive every day to meet The Prophet (saw) in Jannah."
hope you all enjoyed reading it as ana did. =)
Click here to go to his blog post.
Ana want to share a story of someone reverting into Islam that ana came across while blog walking. Here's his post (please note those in [...] are ana's annotations.)
"Assalamu Alaikum,
Today's post is about my conversion to Islam, together with a brief history of my life to add a bit more to the post.
I was born into this Dunya in 1977 into a Christian family .. Well a family that lasted all of 4 months. My parents divorced, my dad didn't want me and my mother couldn't cope with looking after me.
So, my grandparents, also christian, (from my mum's side. They adopted her when she herself was a baby) took me in a raised me .. until the age of 3 when my grandfather passed away and my grandmother was deemed not well enough to look after me.
So, for 3 years I went from one foster home to another, until the age of 6 years old. My dad wanted me back. So, I went to live with my dad, his 2 kids from his new family and his new wife. However, the step-mum didn't like me, the kids (5 and 8) felt I was a threat and it just went downhill. I ended up as a punch bag for my father whenever he had a bad day at work. I also remember (we lived near the seaside) that my dad would take me to a shop and let me choose a bamboo stick with the fishing net at the end. They were really colourful and I always chose blue. Not that I got to use them ... my dad did .. on me .. when we got home he'd remove the fishing net, and then use the bamboo stick on me.
I think my teacher at school knew I was being abused, as she gave me the bible to read with a lovely message (that she'd wrote) at the front.
That was when I started reading the bible.
During the age of 7 years old, my father dropped me off at a children's home and said he'd pop by now and then to see me. I wasn't sure what was going on, but 2 things came of it. I never saw my father again and I never got beat again.
The next 10 years of my life I spent in this children's home. And I have to say it was quite cool having loads of "Aunt's" looking after me. However, there were a few times when I was still young when I would get beat (in a sense) by some of the staff. I didn't understand at first, it was only when I was in my teens and witnessed it happen to the then youngsters. Some staff members would provoke the children (who were from broken homes, or had ADD), and then spend the next hour restraining them. Yeah, some youngsters needed to be restrained but being there a few years I learnt that some staff would come into work with a chip on their shoulders and target children. There wasn't much that I could do until when I was about 14/15 and thankfully it stopped and for the last few years in the children's home I was like a big brother to all the children at the home and the staff had a lot of respect for me.
All throughout this time I continued to read the Bible [same here], and as I got older I became to understand it better and better .. but, I just didn't feel a connection to it [exactly how ana felt. somehow, ana didn't feel any spiritual connection to God]. I believed in God, but the Bible just ... did not feel right .. there was something missing [ana thought so too]. So, around 15/16 I stopped reading the Bible[ana never stopped. haha..just continued on and on], but I "knew" there was a God, and that we were all created for a purpose, but I believed that it would come to me as I was older... the answer .. that all I needed to do was "wait".
At the age of 17 years old I took social services to Court. Nothing bad, I just wanted my own Independence and sought to be released as their responsibility. At around the same time my grandmother died. At the same time my mother came back on the scene. My grandmother had let her inheritance to me, but my mum wanted it. I didn't want to fight her, so I allowed he to take want she wanted, she disappeared again, and I still had enough to be able to set up renting a place with nice furniture.
Despite my grades at school not being too good, I ended up in an accountancy firm. One of the Partners took me in as a filing clerk, and I've never left, working my way up.
Anyway, throughout my 20's .. I did exactly what I mentioned above .. I waited .. for the true message from God. But, I did it .. literally .. I kept to myself, got home from work every night and sat in front of the TV... waiting for the message of God to land on my lap. I did that for 8 years.
By the time I was approaching 30 I realised my life was passing before my eyes and that I should go out there and FIND THE TRUTH.
At around the age of 25, a Muslim woman joined the firm. This was my first encounter with a Muslim. I was curious as to why she wore something on her head, but never approached her. It was only when I was 28 and she moved into my team (I was her Supervisor), that we got talking ... about Islam and The Prophet (saw). She lent me some books, but they were more about the spiritual side of Islam and although very nice and comforting, they were out of my league and I didn't really understand. So, I left it. But it kept niggling at the back of my mind. So, one day when we were talking I asked her more about her religion and she talked, with a lot of passion, about Muhammed (saw), and I realised that I was already living my life trying to strive for those values that he himself had lived. So, she gave me a book about his life and Sunnah.
AND BAM! The connection hit me so hard. I cried so hard, this man, who I had never met, was my inspiration. I had spent my entire life dealing with people with evil in their hearts that I'd given up on people, just wanting to keep to myself.
The more I read about The Prophet (saw) the connection got stronger and stronger.
I was given a Quran too but I couldn't read it, and it just ended up on my mantelpiece. However, I met the Sister's 5 brothers and they talked about Islam with me and gave me a translated Quran.
At the age of 30, in February 2008, along with 3 of these brothers, I attended a Mosque and took my Shahadah.
I haven't looked back since, Alhamdullilah Islam is a religion of Peace, and love and mercy [this is how ana feels about Islam too]. I try to take on as many SUnnah's as I can, and Insha'Allah I strive every day to meet The Prophet (saw) in Jannah."
hope you all enjoyed reading it as ana did. =)
Click here to go to his blog post.
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