I know I have done many wrongs these past few days. I am very sorry and am ashamed of myself. Hopefully, Allah yang Maha Pengampun will forgive and accept my apology =(
nevertheless, I pray so that ct's exams went well.
Tuhan takkan menduga kita lebih drpd apa yang mampu kita tanggung. so, ape2 pun, kalau rasa susah dan tercabar, sabar dan kuatkan hati. insyaAllah, He will have mercy upon you. Amin.
1]Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "(Tuhanku) ialah Allah Yang Maha Esa; [2]"Allah Yang menjadi tumpuan sekalian makhluk untuk memohon sebarang hajat; [3]"Ia tiada beranak, dan Ia pula tidak diperanakkan; [4]"Dan tidak ada sesiapapun yang serupa denganNya".
Just for laughs. ROFL~~ =D
Politics and coffee
Do you know the similarity betw coffee and politics?
They are both hard to quit bcos u get addicted to it.
The more addicted you get, the more money you spend, and the more worn out your body gets.
Although nothing seems wrong inside , there are occasional signs of addiction.
The more foam there is, the less coffee there is beneath it.
The coffee everyone likes may not necessarily be the best one.