Salam alaik and greetings to all !
So, in Malaysia, it's Teacher's Day today, a day where all students would wish their teachers:
"Happy Teacher's Day"
thank you for everything~!
for your sacrifices
for all the knowledge you've channeled unto me
for your precious time, energy, and sweat
for your patience with a student like me~!
for your understanding
for your kindness and sincere care
as if I am your own child~!
helping me to climb higher up the ladder
towards greater achievements
towards striving a brighter future
towards a more meaningful next phase
towards realising the many aspects of life out there~!
Thanks again for everything dear teachers. I will forever be grateful and remember your contributions towards the person I have become today. You are one of those important people in my life that have had some hands in molding me. =)
Terima kasih buat segala-gala jasa kamu Cikgu-cikgu yang amat saya hargai dan sayangi. Moga Cikgu dan keluarga sentiasa di bawah rahmatNya~ Amin yaRabbilalamin~
Wassalamualaikum w.b.t.
pesanan buat semua: janganlah kita lupa terhadap sesiapa yang telah pernah membantu kita. Ingatilah dan tunjukilah penghargaan kamu terhadap mereka. Moga kita tidak menjadi antara golongan yang "seperti kacang melupakan kulit". astaghfirulla, astaghfirullaaladzim.
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